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Frequently Asked Questions

We have made a list of the questions that are most frequently asked. Perhaps we have answered your question as well. Click on the question for the corresponding answer.

How can I get a referral letter?

A referral letter needs to be given by the GP. The first time you will always have to consult with the GP.

How do I hand in a urine sample?

Healthy non pregnant women (above the age of twelve), without fever with urinary tract complaints, who recognize the complaints of a previous bladder infection, basically do not have to bring in urine. In this case you can call the assistant. The doctor can prescribe a course of antibiotics.

If you never have had a bladder infection before and you experience a burning sensation, frequently urinate or suffer from pain while urinating , then it is recommended to bring along a urine sample.

Urine samples must be kept cool in the fridge for a maximum of 2 hours.

You must keep your urine sample in a jar, which can be purchased at a pharmacist or chemist. Clearly write your name and birth date on the urine sample.

The assistant will call you the same day for the results.

Can I change my GP?

You are free to choose your GP. First, you need to deregister at your previous GP before you can register with your new GP. In practice, however, this is not always possible. In case of an emergency, a general practitioner should be able to be at your address within 15 minutes. When you live too far away, this could be problematic. This means that when you live in a sparsely populated area, you can be designated to one specific general practitioner. GPs may also have closed their practice to new patients because their capacity has been filled.

I would like a medical statement. Can I get one from my own GP?

De Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG) does not allow the patient’s personal doctor to provide medical statements in which he/she makes a judgement regarding a patient's (medical) ability or inability to do particular activities.

An example of this would be: the ability to work, drive a car, go to school, take good care of any children, whether a holiday was cancelled for a valid reason, or whether someone is entitled to receive a parking permit or modified living space.

Such statements may only be made by an independent doctor. The independent doctor can make his/her own assessment of the situation.  If required, the independent doctor may request additional information from your treating physician(s), with the patient’s consent.

Living will

It is always wise to think about your wishes early on with regard to medical treatment in the final stage of life. Thinking about the end of life is confrontational, but it appears to have a beneficial effect on the quality of care during this important stage. It is, therefore, important to record these wishes in a timely manner.

One of the elements of a living will is a 'do not resuscitate' statement. For more information about this subject you can go to and search for 'reanimatie' or 'levenseinde'. A living will 'protects' against unnecessary, and often distressing, medical intervention. But perhaps more importantly, it appears to be a catalyst for a patient's process of personal reflection and acceptance concerning the approaching end of life.We have drawn up an example of a living will which can be a guideline, should you wish to discuss the subject with your family and loved ones and with your GP and/or the Elderly Care practice supporter.

The living will can only become valid after a consultation with your GP and its registration in your personal medical file.