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A.C. Dirkzwager | GP, available: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning.

A.C. Dirkzwager

It has been many years since I completed my medical studies in Groningen.  After that, I trained as a general practitioner in Leiden. Since then, I have worked at several locations. One of these was the Bronovo where I spent 18 months as a physician assistant at the Obstetrics/Gynaecology department (every now and then, I still happen to meet patients from that time!). I worked in the UK as an A&E doctor for one year and spent three years as a physician with the Dutch Royal Navy.

I came to work at this GP practice by chance in 1993, and I have been working here with great pleasure ever since. The best part of this profession is its diversity. Every day is different. It is extraordinary to experience the great variety of problems the patients entrust you with. The downside of our work? The time pressure: ten minutes per patient is absolutely not enough!

My special interest is gynaecology. I work part-time, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.