Contact with Loudon Medical Centre
Our centre can be reached by phone from 08:00 - 17:00 hours at 070-222 3000
- 08.00 - 10:30 Consultation request and home visit request.
- 11.30 - 15:30 Consultation request and advice from and questions to the doctor's assistants.
- 15:30 - 17.00 Urgent medical matters only
We invite you to use Via this website, you are able to plan and handle all sorts of medical procedures with your GP, such as repeat prescriptions and e-consultations.
Do you need a GP urgently during the evening, night, or at the weekend? Please call the Hadoks GP Service at 070 - 346 96 69. Please Note! Hadoks only works by appointment! Is there a life-threatening situation? Call 112.
Loudon Medical Centre is situated in Bezuidenhout, The Hague. We are easily reachable with public transportation and by car. We have paid parking from 09:00 to 14:00. For public transport: Tram 6 (stop Carel Reinierszkade) Bus 24 (stop De Eerensplein).
Loudonstraat 118, 2593 WB The Hague
Phone: 070-222 3000 / Fax: 070 - 385 3760 (not for medical questions)